It’s important to plan for your family’s financial security in case the unexpected happens.



For 2024, these supplemental protections will be enhanced with improved wellness incentive amounts and payment methods, and will be expanded to apply to more wellness check-ups. Other special improvements will also be implemented for COVID-19 illness, certain hospital or skilled nursing stays, and improved tracking of submitted claims.


Accidental Injury Insurance

Accidental injury insurance can provide you with a cushion to help cover expenses and living costs when you get hurt unexpectedly. You may end up paying out of your own pocket for things like deductibles, coinsurance, transportation, over-the-counter medicine, day care, or sitters for extra help around the house. With accidental injury insurance, the benefits you receive can help take care of these extra expenses and anything else that comes up. This coverage is for non-work-related accidents.

Plan highlights include:

  • You can buy coverage for yourself, your spouse and/or child(ren) — see below for eligibility details.
  • Coverage is guaranteed issue — no evidence of insurability required.
  • Benefits are paid directly to you unless assigned to someone else.
  • Benefits are paid in addition to any other coverage you may have.
  • Coverage is portable and may be continued if you leave WGU.
  • Employee and family coverage is available.

Who Is Eligible?

  • You: If you are an active employee working 20+ hours per week
  • Your spouse: Must be age 18+ — coverage is only available if employee coverage is elected
  • Your child(ren): Must be under age 26 — coverage is only available if employee coverage is elected


Answers about the plan, including eligibility, options, enrollment, support and more.

Who is the provider?

Accidental injury insurance for you and your eligible dependents is available through Cigna/Mercer.

How can accidental injury insurance help me?

Most families don’t budget for the costs associated with accidents. If an accident does occur, the last thing on your mind is the charges accumulating while at the emergency room.

These costs can add up fast. Most families have medical insurance that will cover a majority of the expenses. But, what about the out-of-pocket expenses, such as lost wages from being out of work or staying home to care for an injured family member? You hope that an accident never happens, but at some point you very well may take a trip to your local emergency room. If that time comes, wouldn’t it be nice to have coverage that pays you a benefit regardless of any other insurance you have? This plan does just that, providing a cash benefit to cover the costs associated with unexpected covered accidents.

Will I have to take a medical exam to get accidental injury insurance?

No. Each year during Open Enrollment and for new hires who join WGU throughout the year, this coverage is guaranteed-issue (which means you may qualify for coverage without having to submit to a medical exam or answer health questions).

How do I file a claim?

There are several ways to file. Simply choose the option that's easiest for you.

Download and complete the Accidental Injury Claim Form and submit to Cigna/Mercer via email, mail or fax:

  • Email:
  • Mail: Cigna/Mercer Supplemental Health Solutions | PO Box 188028 | Chattanooga, TN 37422
  • Fax: 866-304-3001
  • Group Number: 961616

You can also call Cigna/Mercer to file over the phone with a customer service representative. Be sure to have the following information handy — date of injury, diagnosis from your medical provider(s) and any Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) you may have received from your medical insurance carrier.


Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance provides a lump sum benefit to help you cover the out-of-pocket expenses associated with certain critical illness diagnoses. Advantages of critical illness insurance include:

  • You can buy coverage for yourself, your spouse and/or child(ren).
  • Benefits are paid directly to you unless assigned to someone else.
  • Coverage supplements your existing medical benefits.
  • Coverage is portable and may be continued at the same rate and coverage level if you leave WGU.
  • Covered dependents receive 50% of the basic benefit amount, and 100% of the wellness benefit.
  • Coverage is based on attained age (premiums are based on current age and will not increase with age bands).

Plan highlights include:

  • Coverage for diagnosis of heart attack, stroke, coronary artery disease, major organ transplant, end stage renal failure, invasive cancer, carcinoma in situ.
  • Wellness benefit pays $50 per covered person per year for completing a covered wellness exam.
  • Waiver of premiums is included.


Answers about the plan, including eligibility, options, enrollment, support and more.

Who is the provider?

Critical illness insurance for you and your eligible dependents is available through Cigna.

How can critical illness insurance help me?

Cigna pays cash benefits directly to you, unless otherwise assigned. This means that you will have added financial resources to help with medical costs or ongoing living expenses. Cigna plans are designed to provide you with a lump-sum cash benefit to help you cover out-of-pocket medical and other expenses caused by a critical illness.

When can I enroll?

As a new hire, you can enroll during your new hire enrollment period. Outside of this window, enrollment is limited to WGU’s annual Open Enrollment or if you experience a qualified life event during the year.

What if my employment status changes?

If you leave or retire from WGU, you can continue your coverage without interruption, subject to applicable law and the plan’s terms and conditions. Although payroll deduction will no longer be available, you can opt for other payment methods, such as direct bank account deduction, credit card billing or home billing. Note that higher rates may apply.

How do I file a claim?

There are several ways to file. Simply choose the option that's easiest for you.

Download and complete the Critical Illness Claim Form and submit to Cigna via email, mail or fax:

  • Email:
  • Mail: Cigna Supplemental Health Solutions | PO Box 188028 | Chattanooga, TN 37422
  • Fax: 866-304-3001
  • Group Number: 961537

You can also call Cigna to file over the phone with a customer service representative. Be sure to have the following information handy — date of diagnosis from your medical provider(s) and any Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) you may have received from your medical insurance carrier.


Hospital Care Coverage

If unexpected medical needs arise, will your major medical insurance cover enough of the expense?

Benefits from a hospital care plan can be used to assist you in paying deductibles, coinsurance, out-of-network costs, etc. Benefits are paid regardless of other coverage, and this plan is compatible with a Health Savings Account (HSA).

  • Initial hospital confinement benefit = $1,000 (low plan) and $2,000 (high plan)
  • Daily hospital confinement benefit = $100/day (low plan) and $200 (high plan) for up to 30 days
  • Intensive care hospital confinement = $200/day (low plan) and $400 (high plan) for up to 30 days

Advantages of hospital care coverage include:

  • You can buy coverage for yourself, your spouse and/or child(ren)
  • For active salaried employees, this plan includes convenient payroll deduction, so you don’t have to remember to pay your premiums
  • Coverage is portable — you may take the coverage with you if you leave WGU or retire without having having to answer new health questions

If you're considering Hospital Care Coverage for 2025, please review the Hospital Indemnity Regulations.


Answers about the plan, including eligibility, options, enrollment, support and more.

Who is the provider?

Hospital care insurance for you and your eligible dependents is available through Cigna.

How can hospital care insurance help me?

This plan pays a daily benefit if you have a covered stay in a hospital. The benefit amount is determined based on the number of days you stay. This coverage is a limited benefit plan. It is not health insurance and does not satisfy the requirement of minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Below are a few examples of how your insurance benefit could be used (coverage amounts may vary):

  • Medical expenses
  • Travel, food and lodging expenses for family members
  • Child care
  • Everyday expenses such as utilities and groceries

When can I enroll?

As a new hire, you can enroll during your new hire enrollment period. Outside of this window, enrollment is limited to WGU’s annual Open Enrollment or if you experience a qualified life event during the year.

How much does hospital care insurance cost?

Your cost is based on several factors, including your age, any special features you select and the amount of coverage you want. Visit Workday to view your premium rate for coverage.

What if my employment status changes?

If you leave or retire from WGU, you can continue your coverage without interruption, subject to applicable law and the plan’s terms and conditions. Although payroll deduction will no longer be available, you can opt for other payment methods, such as direct bank account deduction, credit card billing or home billing. Note that higher rates may apply.

How do I file a claim?

There are several ways to file. Simply choose the option that's easiest for you.

Download and complete the Hospital Care Claim Form and submit to Cigna via email, mail or fax:

  • Email:
  • Mail: Cigna Supplemental Health Solutions | PO Box 188028 | Chattanooga, TN 37422
  • Fax: 866-304-3001
  • Group Number: 960855

You can also call Cigna to file over the phone with a customer service representative. Be sure to have the following information handy — date(s) of hospitalization and any Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) you may have received from your medical insurance carrier.


What You Pay in Supplemental Coverage

Accidental Injury Biweekly premiums

Plan/Tier Low Plan High Plan
Employee Only $2.82 $4.71
Employee + Spouse $5.01 $8.44
Employee + Child(ren) $6.48 $11.01
Employee + Family $8.67 $14.73

Critical Illness Biweekly premiums

Plan/Tier Employee Only Employee + Spouse Employee + Child(ren) Employee + Family
$10,000 Basic Benefit Amount
0-24 $1.36 $2.41 $1.36 $3.04
25-29 $1.40 $2.40 $1.40 $3.15
30-34 $1.77 $2.86 $1.77 $3.61
35-39 $2.30 $3.52 $2.30 $4.28
40-44 $3.41 $5.22 $3.41 $6.16
45-49 $4.54 $6.96 $4.54 $7.89
50-54 $5.88 $9.33 $5.88 $10.27
55-59 $8.21 $12.41 $8.21 $13.34
60-64 $11.39 $18.74 $11.39 $19.88
65-69 $14.15 $23.27 $14.15 $24.41
70-74 $20.15 $32.55 $20.15 $33.70
75-79 $27.65 $45.86 $27.65 $47.06
80-84 $40.35 $58.37 $40.35 $59.57
85+ $47.31 $77.48 $47.31 $78.70
$20,000 Basic Benefit Amount
0-24 $2.71 $4.83 $2.71 $6.07
25-29 $2.81 $4.80 $2.81 $6.30
30-34 $3.54 $5.71 $3.54 $7.23
35-39 $4.61 $7.04 $4.61 $8.56
40-44 $6.82 $10.43 $6.82 $12.31
45-49 $9.08 $13.91 $9.08 $15.78
50-54 $11.77 $18.66 $11.77 $20.54
55-59 $16.42 $24.81 $16.42 $26.68
60-64 $22.78 $37.49 $22.78 $39.77
65-69 $28.29 $46.54 $28.29 $48.81
70-74 $40.30 $65.10 $40.30 $67.39
75-79 $55.29 $91.72 $55.29 $94.12
80-84 $80.70 $116.73 $80.70 $119.14
85+ $94.62 $154.97 $94.62 $157.39
$30,000 Basic Benefit Amount
0-24 $4.07 $7.24 $4.07 $9.11
25-29 $4.21 $7.20 $4.21 $9.46
30-34 $5.32 $8.57 $5.32 $10.84
35-39 $6.91 $10.56 $6.91 $12.84
40-44 $10.23 $15.65 $10.23 $18.47
45-49 $13.62 $20.87 $13.62 $23.68
50-54 $17.65 $28.00 $17.65 $30.81
55-59 $24.63 $37.22 $24.63 $40.02
60-64 $34.17 $56.23 $34.17 $59.65
65-69 $42.44 $69.81 $42.44 $73.22
70-74 $60.45 $97.66 $60.45 $101.09
75-79 $82.94 $137.58 $82.94 $141.18
80-84 $121.06 $175.10 $121.06 $178.71
85+ $141.92 $232.45 $141.92 $236.09

Higher premiums apply for tobacco users. Refer to premiums in Workday or visit WGU People Center to submit a request for additional information..

Hospital Care Coverage Biweekly premiums

Plan/Tier Low Plan High Plan
Employee Only $6.83 $13.57
Employee + Spouse $13.18 $26.27
Employee + Child(ren) $11.67 $23.24
Employee + Family $18.02 $35.94