Disability insurance benefits replace a portion of your eligible earnings if you are unable to work for a period of time due to a qualified off-the-job injury or illness. Western Governors University provides coverage to help protect your income in the event of a disability.



The loss of income due to illness or injury can cause serious financial hardship for your family. Disability insurance replaces a portion of your income to help you continue paying your bills and meeting your financial obligations during this difficult time.

2023 Disability Insurance Plans

Short-Term Disability

Western Governors University provides company-paid coverage that pays you a disability benefit for up to 13 weeks. This coverage is administered by Lincoln Financial.

Long-Term Disability

Long-term coverage protects you from the financial impact of an extended disability. This coverage is administered by Lincoln Financial.

Definition of Disability

To be eligible to receive Short-Term Disability (STD) benefits, you must meet the eligibility definition and the definition of disability. You may be eligible to receive STD benefits if:

  • You suffer a non-occupational injury or illness (physical, mental) which prevents you from performing the primary duties of your job (or any reasonably related job).
  • Your pregnancy prevents you from working in your regular job.
  • You contract or are exposed to a communicable disease (e.g., TB, chickenpox), and your doctor (or a bonafide health official) states, in writing, that you must stay away from work.
  • You are under treatment for alcohol or drug abuse. You must participate in an accredited residential or outpatient program to qualify for benefits.

To be eligible to receive disability benefits (short-term or long-term), you must meet the eligibility definition and the definition of disability under the policy.

“Totally Disabled” and “Total Disability" mean, that as a result of an Injury or Sickness:

  • During the Elimination Period and for the first 24 months for which a Monthly Benefit is payable, an Insured cannot perform the material duties of his/her Regular Occupation.
  • After a Monthly Benefit has been paid for 24 months, an Insured cannot perform the material duties of Any Occupation. We consider the Insured Totally Disability if due to an Injury or Sickness he or she is capable of only performing the material duties on a part-time basis or part of the material duties on a full-time basis.
    • “Partially Disabled” and “Partial Disability” mean that as a result of an Injury or Sickness an Insured is capable of performing the material duties of his/her Regular Occupation on a part-time basis or some of the material duties on a full-time basis. An Insured who is Partially Disabled will be considered Totally Disabled, except during the Elimination period.
    • “Residual Disability” means being Partially Disabled during the Elimination Period. Residual Disability will be considered Total Disability.
Pre-Existing Conditions

You may not be eligible for LTD benefits if you have received treatment for a condition within three months prior to your effective date under this policy until you have been covered under the policy for 12 months.

Leaves of Absence at WGU

Life happens. And there may come a time where you may need to take a leave of absence (LOA) for reasons such as the birth/bonding with a new child, military duties, furthering your education, attending to urgent personal matters, or medical needs for you or an eligible family member. Whatever the reason may be, WGU is here to support you when that need goes beyond the occasional use of available sick or vacation time.

Requests for leave can be submitted directly by accessing the AbsenceTracker portal. For more information or to contact the P&T Leave and Disability Specialists Team, please visit the section of the Leave and Disability section of the WGU People Center.


Short-Term Disability

Short-term disability, administered by Lincoln Financial, provides a source of income should you encounter a qualified disability that keeps you from working for more than 5 business days, 7 days total.

  • Coverage is automatic and WGU-paid; no need to enroll.
  • This waiting period is waived in the case of injuries due to an accident; 7 days for illness
  • Pays 60% of your salary, up to a maximum of $1,500 per week.
  • Benefits end after 13 weeks.
Short-Term Disability
Benefit Amount60% of weekly eligible earnings
Maximum Benefit$1,500 weekly
Benefit Waiting PeriodImmediate for accident; 7 days for illness
PremiumsNo premium; 100% Employer-Paid
Maximum Benefit Period13 weeks

Long-Term Disability

Long-term disability coverage, administered by Lincoln Financial, protects you from the financial impact of an extended disability.

  • Coverage is automatic and WGU-paid; no need to enroll.
  • Benefits begin after you have been disabled for 90 days.
  • Pays 60% of your salary, up to a maximum of $15,000 per month.
Long-Term Disability
Benefit Amount60% of weekly eligible earnings
Maximum Benefit$15,000 monthly
Benefit Waiting Period90 days
PremiumsNo premium; 100% Employer-Paid
Maximum benefit PeriodSocial Security Normal Retirement Age (SSNRA)